Baladodiffusion « Behind the Shield »

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Découvrez l’envers du bouclier avec “Behind the Shield”
Les gardiens virtuels vous font découvrir ce qui se cache derrière le bouclier et dans la cellule de crise informatique en explorant les derniers événements mondiaux en matière de cybersécurité. (L’événement “Behind the Shield” est présenté en anglais.)
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Épisodes en rediffusion
Recorded live on: 5.24.24
Behind the Shield May 2024
Hot Topics: Do bounties for ransomeware work? Black Basta, wreaking havoc again! Google accidentally wiping out a huge account and APT28 cybercrime group updates.
Extras: RSA 2024, IBM think and ITSec recap/insights.
Recorded live on 4.18.2024
Behind the Shield April 2024
Hot Topics: This episode’s all Hot Topics format includes: Volt Typhoon announcement, Cyberattack on US healthcare payment system, SEC Cybersecurity Disclosure coming into effect, Lessons from the Microsoft’s Password Spray Hack, and Why Companies Are Bringing Data In-House.
Extras: This month we’re joined for the first time by a new panelist, Jason Williams, Virtual Guardian’s new Director of Client Success and Solutions Architecture.
Recorded live on 3.26.2024
Behind the Shield March 2024
Hot Topics: This episode’s all Hot Topics format includes: Volt Typhoon announcement, Cyberattack on US healthcare payment system, SEC Cybersecurity Disclosure coming into effect, Lessons from the Microsoft’s Password Spray Hack, and Why Companies Are Bringing Data In-House.
Extras: This month we’re joined for the first time by a new panelist, Jason Williams, Virtual Guardian’s new Director of Client Success and Solutions Architecture.
Recorded live on 2.22.2024
Behind the Shield February 2024
Hot Topics: Open AI’s concerns about #GenAI, the data security of AI boy/girlfriends, our guest’s take on the #AppleProVision, and LockBit’s recent bust by the UK government.
Extras: Matt Konwiser, from this month’s sponsor IBM Security, spotlights: “How Generative AI is forcing security teams to re-think their approach to security”.
Recorded live on 1.18.2024
Behind the Shield January 2024
Hot Topics: Extortion scam linked to the SEC. The effects of ransomware not on hospitals but on the patients themselves.
Extras: The highs and lows of #cybersecurity in 2023. Predictions and wishes for 2024.
Recorded on 11.08.2023
Behind the Shield Special Overtime
Bonus Hot Topics: We didn’t have time to get to all of our Hot Topics in the Nov 2nd Behind the Shield! Ready for a little more cyber news from Marco, Bill and Patrick? Hot topics in this episode include: AI Kidnapping Hoaxes, Johnson Controls Breach – An Update from Patrick from last week’s discussion, Fraudsters target customers, and Okta breach.
Épisodes en rediffusion
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Ressources connexes

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