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Baladodiffusion « Behind the Shield »

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Les gardiens virtuels vous font découvrir ce qui se cache derrière le bouclier et dans la cellule de crise informatique en explorant les derniers événements mondiaux en matière de cybersécurité. (L’événement “Behind the Shield” est présenté en anglais.)

Hot Topics: Expert panelists, including our guest Chris ‘Tito’ Sestino of HiddenLayer, and host Marco Estrela discuss current cybersecurity topics ripped from the headlines. Credit card fraud while traveling; AI generated phishing attacks, Johnson Controls Breach, Emerging AI Regulations & Effects
Extras: “Securing AI Innovation: Safeguarding AI Amid Emerging Threats” – Chris Sestito, Co-founder & CEO of HiddenLayer, a cybersecurity start-up dedicated to preventing adversarial artificial intelligence attacks.

Hot Topics: Expert panelists and host Marco Estrela discuss current cybersecurity topics ripped from the headlines. MGM and Caesar’s Cyberattack, TransUnion Data stolen, Microsoft AI Employee Accidental Leak, Canadian Airports DOS, Clorox Breach
Extras: CISCO’s $28B purchase of SPLUNK, NaviLogic’s name change to Virtual Guardian

Hot Topics: Expert panelists and host Marco Estrela discuss current cybersecurity topics ripped from the headlines.

Hot Topics: US-based white hat researcher, Eaton Zveare, discovers serious flaws in well-known carmaker; Phishing controversy using pay raise as bait; Making progress in the war against cybercrime.
Special Guest Panelist: Graham Cluley of the award-winning “Smashing Security” podcast.
Extras: Rudolph Araujo, Arista Networks: “IoT, Ransomware, Insider Threats and Your Data: Threat Hunting to the Rescue”.”.

Hot Topics: Cisco IOS vulnerabilities and UQAM’s 2023 Report on geopolitical cyber incidents.
Extras: Amber Borgersen, Product Manager for IBM Security’s Threat Management functionalities – the QRadar Suite, discusses “SIEM is dead! Or is it…?”.

Hot Topics: Six arrested in Quebec (closure of a major criminal marketplace on the Dark Web.), Putin’s secret weapon: weaponized ransomware, BYOD habits and how they put their data and organizations at risk.
Extras: Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Byron Acohido (lastwatchdog.com): “Network security reborn: Leveraging machine learning, automation to drive legacy defenses into obsolescence.”

Merci à nos promoteurs pour leur soutien continu envers “Behind the Shield!”

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