June 6, 2022, Montreal – Virtual Guardian, the cybersecurity division of ESI Technologies, has launched a new virtual webinar series to arm the business community against cybercriminals who are poised to exploit weaknesses. Virtual Guardian invites the audience “behind their shield” every third Thursday to reveal the latest on offense and defense in the cyberverse.
The 1-hour, free monthly event empowers businesses to think critically about their next steps as expert panelists discuss the world’s latest cybersecurity breaches – how it happened, why, what could have been done to prevent it or to recover more quickly in the future. The Behind the Shield team of experts are veteran threat smashers, ethical hackers, and experienced security professionals.
“We expect Behind the Shield to become a lighthouse, a beacon, a must for the cybersecurity community and our family of collaborators and clients,” says Jennifer Oddo, Sr. Director Corporate Marcomm & Strategic Operations and Behind the Shield champion. “We’re reaching out to the community to speak in terms of lessons learned – how identification, protection, response and resilience help organizations stay ahead of digital criminals.”
“While most of the fundamentals of cyber security stay constant, the changes in how we use technology, and the associated threat landscape, are in constant flux. Behind the Shield provides an opportunity to discuss how to structure cyber security programs and insights into the challenges faced while defending your data, infrastructure, and organizational integrity,” adds Bill Strub, NaviLogic Co-Founder and Behind the Shield panelist.
After a 30-minute “Hot Topics” segment with expert panelists from Virtual Guardian, subsidiary NaviLogic (St. Paul, MN), and parent ESI Technologies (Canada), each month a new speaker takes the spotlight to focus on a critical cybersecurity topic. In the upcoming June 16, 2022 Behind the Shield, spotlight speaker Jane Arnett, cybersecurity evangelist with Check Point’s Office of the CTO, presents her topic Down the Rabbit Hole. A tour into the Dark Web.
Join us Behind the Shield
Your Monthly Pass to Cybersecurity Insights.

“Frequently, Alice in Wonderland is used as the main analogy to the Dark Web”, Arnett says, “but just like in the book, no one tells us how this magical world was made and what the motive for its creation was. In our journey through this session, we take you through the evolution, goals and motivation of the Dark Web. I will share with you what and whom you can find on the platforms as well as the major conflicts individuals face while exploring this web. The session also exposes you to the syndicates and structures running on the platforms. We see how those groups were among the first to embrace and implement Blockchain technology and created a major global demand for crypto currencies. This is the time to listen, learn and be exposed to the deepest secrets of the Dark Web.”
Behind the Shield is led by host Marco Estrela, Virtual Guardian’s Senior Cybersecurity Advisor (Virtual Guardian & ESI Technologies) and features recurring expert panelists Christos Simotas, Team Lead Offensive Security and ethical hacker (Virtual Guardian), Patrick Naoum P.Eng, (Virtual Guardian CEO and ESI’s Executive VP- Chief, Strategic Consulting & Emerging Practices), and Bill Strub (NaviLogic co-founder).
Behind the Shield is currently presented in English to appeal to North American audiences. However, future events will include a French option for ESI and Virtual Guardian customers in Quebec. Event topics are not industry specific and appeal to both technical and non-technical audiences.
For registration to the June 16, 2022 event: https://behindtheshieldjune.rsvpify.com
Visit the new webpage: https://www.virtualguardian.com/event/
About Virtual Guardian
Virtual Guardian provides cybersecurity solutions and services to organizations ensuring digital assets and systems are protected against internal and external threats. Additionally, Virtual Guardian offers the VG© Security Operations Center (SOC) as an extension of its clients’ security teams. The company also specializes in governance & compliance, risk management, and incident response. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ESI Technologies (Canada) with responsive and experienced professionals with a range of capabilities as a one-stop-shop cybersecurity organization. In 2022, Virtual Guardian acquired NaviLogic, extending its end-to-end cybersecurity reach into the US, offering clients an ongoing roadmap for improving cybersecurity, auditing and compliance processes, including a complete GRCx practice. www.virtualguardian.com